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Relocating To A New Home

20 June

Relocating To A New Home

Moving to a new home? The first thing you probably thought about was moving all your personal belongings from one place to another. Don’t worry we have all been there at least once! That’s why we decided to write a few simple tips when organizing your belongings. After reading this blog, all you will really need are the movers to change your items to the new place!


Boxes of various sizes
Shipping tape
Box cutters
Permanent marker
Bubble wrap/newspaper


Start packing bigger rooms (living room, kitchen, tv area)
Begin packing small decorative items
Throw away unnecessary items
Label boxes according to room and or items
Once the box is full you can tape it shut


Design a map that keeps your rooms organized. To make it a fun task for all family members you can assign a room to each individual. They will be in charge of packing the rooms and cleaning them out. Another great tip is to maintain items of the same room all in one box. It is quite simple to lose belongings in the transition of moving. Therefore we recommend to label boxes. Create a name for each box and on the side, you can simply tape a piece of paper that outlines what is inside. For example, label it the kitchen and on a piece of paper write silverware, plates, and cups.

Keep in mind that moving will always be a workout! Be prepared to move around and carry heavy items. The fun part about moving is the victory feeling after everything is done! Moving out with the organization will help you easily move into your new home with full organization! We hope that reading this blog helps you move like a pro.



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